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Can you believe I'm learning something from writing?

Well, I've just hit 66K words in my current WIP Voice of the Broken, and i can't deny that I've learned a thing or two while writing them. I've always seen myself as a plantser, setting up a series of dot points to write between. But you know what's fascinating? The parts where I'm pantsing are the most fun! There is, without a doubt, a long series of errors and pacing issues to fix, but every now and then I write a piece of magic, unplanned, off the cuff, and purely due to pantsing.

I'm also learning that your plot is only an idea, not carved into stone like the tomes of old. It needs to be soft and adaptable, ready to change when your pantsing brain whips out a line of gold - and you can't stop thinking about a different path, a darker path, an emotional path.

That's it from me! Take care!

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